Turning Leaf Sauvignon Blanc 750

    Depending upon the growing region from which it originates, Sauvignon Blanc can exhibit any one of several different styles. A New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is notable for bright acids, green fruit and mineral qualities. French Sauvignon Blanc, as well as many from California and Washington State, has a unique grassy or herbal character. Turning Leaf Sauvignon Blanc is recognized for the depth, quality and complexity of its fruit. To produce such a wine, winemakers combine the benefits of both growing conditions and new winemaking techniques. Many Turning Leaf vineyards balance warm daytime temperatures with cooler conditions at night. Sauvignon Blanc grapes mature more slowly as a result, achieving good sugar levels and acidity on the vine. At harvest, winemakers often apply multiple methods of fermentation to a single harvest, techniques that make for a layered palate in the finished wine.