Diseno Torrontes, Salta Argentina, 2011 750 ml
Diseno Torrontes is a light and pretty white wine. The inviting floral bouquets explodes with tropical fruit, and the luscious flavors balance well with a crisp and mouthwatering finish. Diseno Torrontes comes from established vineyards in Salta. The vines thrive at high elevation, growing in fertile soil rich with old mineral deposits. Irrigated by winter snow melt from the Andes, the vines impart a subtle mineral quality to the wine. Torrontes wine pairs well with many cuisines including chicken, fish, salads, sushi, and light appetizers. Alc. 13.8% by vol. Produced & bottled by Bodega Vistalba by winery No. B-72681. Product of Argentina.