Black Box Chardonnay White Wine 500ml Tetra 500 ml

    Black Box Chardonnay is a vibrant white wine that comes in a light and transportable box. Made from California grapes, this box wine has refreshing hints of crisp apple and a touch of oak to accentuate the smooth finish. It also makes the perfect pairing with foods like chicken, white fish and soft cheese. Black Box Chardonnay wine is the perfect choice for outdoor and on-the-go occasions, from hanging by the pool to camping with friends. Each 500 mL box contains about 3 glasses of wine with 14% alcohol by volume. The convenient, compact box is shatterproof and resealable, making any outing easy. Black Box wines have earned over 100 gold medals and counting. In addition to Chardonnay, Black Box also offers Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and other varieties.