Red Rock Winery Merlot 750 Ml 750

    An Experience in Balance. Red Rock Winery's Reserve Merlot exhibits lush concentrations of ripe cherry, strawberry, raspberry, and slight vanilla aromas with flavors of briary blackberry and raspberry. The intense red and black jammy aromas and flavors are complemented by soft, rounded tannins. We take care to balance body with flavor, achieving a delicate harmony found in only the finest wines. This Merlot is an excellent match for a wide range of foods, offering a delicious balance to herb-based dishes (rosemary, thyme, tarragon, and mint), pastas with red sauce, grilled meats and cheeses, ranging from tangy goat cheese to smoked Gouda. The Grape Merlot by nature is a soft, enjoyable wine with lush, plum-like flavors and notes of blackberry and cherry. The grape is naturally low in tannins with a smooth and velvety finish. It is no surprise then, that the Merlot grape, which originated in France, is still the most widely planted varietal in Bordeaux. With its introduction to California, where well-drained soils and warmer climates bring out the best in this early-maturing varietal, Merlot has yielded exceptional wines marked by natural balance, smooth tannins, and rich concentrations of fruit. The Region. The grapes that go into making the Red Rock Winery Reserve Merlot are grown in a variety of appellations throughout California. By using a California appellation, our winemakers have the flexibility to source the highest quality fruit from California's premier vineyards each year.